In 2015 after becoming a Dad, Chris Mollison decided to leave his sales career and follow his passion for cycling by starting CYCLEme TOTS, a children's cycling based activity class company focussed on helping children to learn to ride safer, earlier and with more fun.
Surrounded by bikes, it is hardly surprising that by 18 months our little boy Oakley started to show a real interest in a balance bike at one of his toddler play group sessions, which led to us looking for a structured session using balance bikes that he could regularly participate in.
Surprisingly, there was very little available and so with previous experience in children’s coaching & teaching, we have decided to do it ourselves.
Sarah joined the business in 2018 and has developed our Franchise proposal to help share our program with other like minded people in the UK.
CYCLEme TOTS is a family run business aimed at ensuring children have a fun & positive introduction to cycling whilst learning importance of safety, technique & fitness.
We have partnered with Strider – the U.K’s No.1 balance bike brand – ensuring that all of the equipment used is of the highest quality with great quality training programmes.
We would love for you to join our growing family of CYCLEme TOTS and look forward to you sharing this experience with us.